A Semi-Cento Poem by Beverly Stock.
Listen to me truly dear,
Something’s going on, I fear,
For so long we lived with ease,
We lived together as we pleased.
There’s no reason to be blue,
We each need a talking to,
I think we’re hard to satisfy,
I think I know the reason why.
Endlessly waiting for the “new,”
Forgetting to enjoy the view.
When we get what we want,
What we got, looks quite gaunt.
Think back, try not to forget,
The time together we spent.
Can’t? No longer enthralled?
We’re not what we wanted at all.
A BeverlyStockPoetry.com Semi-Cento of After You Get What You Want You Don’t Want It, a poem of words and music by Irving Berlin 1888-1989. Original copyright 1920, New York. This music and these lyrics are in the public domain.