A poem by Beverly Stock.

If Arrogant, be Humble.
If Single, go get Married. If Random, be Specific.
If you're Awful, be Terrific.
Up or Down, it’s direction.
Turn Flawed into Perfection.
Don't be Afraid, be Confident.
Insults? No! Give Compliments.
Be you Simple or Complex,
A Brave or Cowardly mate
Know that Awful can be Great.
Don’t Destroy, love and Create.
Be not on constant Attack,
But stand tall and Defend.
Any Optimist can see
Pessimism doesn’t win.
Liquid can be a Solid.
On that we can all agree.
Positive can turn Negative, When Full becomes Empty.
Let’s all hail the Amateurs
Who become Professionals
That's a Negative turned Positive
Like Bad into Incredible.
The Poem is shouting loudly
Before Sunshine turns Cloudy,
Triumph melts into Defeat.
And Beautiful turns Dowdy….
End it here.