A Poem by Beverly Stock.

Zebras, Antelopes, Hippos and some Frogs
Choose not to dine on each other just because
Carnivore and Herbivores have differences.
Digestive physiology brings instances,
Where flesh is good for the diet and grass is not,
If a grass eater eats meat, digestion may stop.
When Lion, a carnivore, orders salad instead,
He might have a tummy ache and end up in bed.
So a good rule of thumb when feeding the heard
Is best said by Wallace Stevens*, in this own words:
“Frogs eat butterflies
Snakes eat frogs
Hogs eat snakes
Men eat hogs.”
Digestive Physiology’s Circle of Life!
*Wallace Stevens (October 2, 1879 – August 2, 1955) was an American modernist poet. . He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his Collected Poems in 1955. (“Frogs Eat butterflies” is in the public domain.)