A poem by Beverly Stock

Complicit is a wretched word.
When sinful deeds have begun,
And you're the one
Who turns his head,
You are complicit.
You may not lift a hand
To bring injustice to a fellow man,
Yet, you sit and watch
And not condemn.
You are complicit.
You cannot sit idly by.
Concoct some banal alibi.
It's your political party, you too belong.
You too are wrong.
You are complicit.
You think human rights as mundane.
As your partner,
I think you're inhumane.
Hauntingly, I feel your shame.
You are complicit.
I hope your name is never linked.
To party lies you condone,
And you are evil's chaperone.
This label will continue to fit,
You are complicit.